The shop will disappear from the morning and night maps if this route or Valerie's original route is active.If you exit out immediately on gaining an undesired but new item, it will still count towards unlocking this ending. The date does not require you to finish runs with the other gift items.
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Nothing is sexier than free labor!" ( CREATIVE)
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"A full e-commerce website built using your sick web design skills."A course in optical physics, so she can finally figure out why she's never caught that laster pointer." ( SMART).
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Hire a retired FBI agent to secretly analyze Bolbert's body language and crack his mind wide open!” ( BOLD)

any ideas as to how we can find out more about Blobert's deepest desires?" “A lore coupon, so they can stop being minor recurring characters with such little depth.” ( SMART).Which of these coupons do you think would make the best gift for the Coven?" "Travel to Nepal to study the secret arts of the gift-giving monks, whose wrappings defy both space and logic!" ( SMART)."Disassemble the bear to make its true nature less obvious.how can I give Aaravi the surprise she deserves?” It may randomly contain A Date With Valerie.

Another sequel, simply titled A Boy and His Blob, was in development for the Nintendo DS, but was cancelled in 2007. The Boy and Blobert returned for more jellybean-fuelled adventures. The Rescue of Princess Blobette was released for the Game Boy in 1991. A single sequel to Trouble on Blobonia, A Boy and His Blob in. Set in the far-off future year 2001 (when every kid on the block has a pet from another planet), the plot of the game, such as it was, involved the Boy and Blobert travelling to Blobert's homeworld, planet Blobonia, to overthrow the evil tyrant who had the blobs living in misery. For example, feeding Blobert a punch-flavoured jellybean would turn him into a hole in the ground, through which the Boy could descend. Blobert had the unique ability to shift into many different shapes depending on the flavour of jellybeans he was fed, usually with an amusing relation to the name. Blobert was the name given to the gooey white pet blob of the nameless protagonist of A Boy and His Blob: Trouble on Blobonia.